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Monday, August 9, 2010


They say a picture is a worth a thousand words, if thats what they say then I say a smile is worth a million words. You'll be hard pressed to find something more satisfying than a sincere smile. There may be other things that are gratifying for a short period of time, but the consistency and continuity of a smile is really unrivaled. I know we have our share of obstacles to overcome daily, but have you ever tallied the obstacles and compared them to your smiles per day, week, month? Most people probably don't. Humans have an uncany ability to deduce even the smallest of information, subsequently all of our positives get reduced to negatives in the process. This is where we must educate ourselves on being consciously competent. Smiling requires very little effort. It takes a whole lot for me to be angry and yelling, almost anything can make me smile and laugh however. Happiness is a choice, hence making laughter an action. You know how the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words. Lol



Anonymous said...

i think we need to share one :)

Unknown said...

thanks :)